Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thrift Shop - Macklemore and Ryan Lewis Zumba with Mallory Hotmess

Zumba Baby!!
My new addiction. As the infomercial states "ditch the workout, join the party"! So true, you get to shake it like a salt shaker and no one cares how sexy or silly you look. It's just fun. What better way to get in shape than dancing. When I first started I was so worried about how I looked and getting the moves right that I wasn't really doing anything but getting my heart rate up. Don't get me wrong that's a good thing. Yet if you want better results focus less on how you look and more on tightening your core with your moves. Once you start to focus on your core you will notice changes in your body appearance. Good changes! Sexy changes! The Zumba classes around here I live cost around $7-$10 a class. Not cheap when you want to do this 3 to 5 to 7 days a week. SOOO, why not do it for free. I have a cd but for me I like to mix it up a bit, I personally love using on my smart tv. This is way convenient for me but we didn't always have internet on our tv. I would just pull up on my computer, plug in a USB cord to the tv and BAM you have internet and a dance party in your very own living room. If you haven't tried Zumba I highly recommend it and don't get me wrong get your bootie into a class now and then. It's a great way to meet fun outgoing people like yourself. I'm posting an example of one of my favorite girls on name is Mallory Hotmess. She dances to current hits, very energetic and fun. If you want more traditional music just search for Latin Zumba....Now go get your shake on!