Friday, March 28, 2014


Happy Friday y'all! This week flew by, well kinda. I was able to apply for jobs at about the same rate I was getting denied for others. Joy! I was accepted to work for one at home position through Alpine Access. My only issue is that I need to get a phone line. This wouldn't normally be an issue but with Jimmy's USAF career in limbo right now, we don't know if we're staying or leaving NJ. So luckily to my benefit the company has put me back in a pool to be hired once we know which path our lives are about to take.

Now on to TABATA. I tried this on Wednesday. It was only four minutes of my time. I like that kind of workout! Ok, so I'm not a fitness professional but from what I have read about Tabata is that it is a high intensity workout of one exercise for 4 minutes. You do the exercise for 20 seconds rest for 10 seconds and repeat 4 times. You should be completely exhausted. I guess I did an easy one because I was out of breath but could have kept going. The one I first read about said to alternate 2 exercises. 20 secs of jumping jacks 10 secs rest and the 20 secs punch planks, complete four sets. I found a Tabata timer on my phone at! which was awesome it talks to you, counts down and congratulates you at the end. I highly recommend it. From what I learned the exercises I did were a beginners workout. There are so many more you can do. From just one exercise like bicycle sprints, weight bench hop overs or even treadmill sprints. Then you can incorporate 2 to 4 different exercises  in one session. I learned that Dr. Izumi Tabata is the one to thank for this high intensity workout. He claims that you can get more aerobic and anaerobic produced in this short amount of time rather than in an hour workout. A great example of a workout I located in an article by John Harker is as follows:

- Jump Rope
- Push Ups
- Squats 
- Pull Ups 

Each exercise done in 4 min intervals making the whole workout including your rest periods a total of 16 minutes. It's recommended to incorporate the Tabata workout throughout the week alternating with your regular workout regimant. 

I would love to hear about your experiences and different Tabata workouts you may do. But above all whatever you're doing just remember.....

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