Well, Good Morning. This is my favorite time of day, dawn. It's a little light out but not too much. The air is brisk and everything is quiet except all the little birdies and geese wandering through our yards. Oh and I must not forget the wonderful smell of hot Joe making it's way throughout the house. Yes I love dawn.
Today is the final weigh in date for my "Eat Your Heart Out" experiment. The instructions for the diet reads you will lose 10lbs in 7 days. Ummmmm, I lost 8lbs. I started at 151 and final weight is 143. I followed the program exactly. Feeling a little frustrated right now since I didn't lose the full 10lbs if not more. But hey 8lbs is 8lbs and I lost it quicker than I would have not trying the experiment. I'm also constipated so maybe those extra 2lbs would have come off if I could just have a BM! Throughout the whole week there were times I felt like I was starving myself. Like Banana yogurt day, I just never felt full. I don't think this is a bad diet but I do think it should be used for specific circumstances. That being if you need to lose a quick 10lbs for a particular reason. My personal opinion is to just eat clean and incorporate some sort of exercise and you will lose the weight without depriving yourself of certain foods that not only taste good but are also good for you. Again that's my personal opinion. If you shall decide to take on this venture then (in my best British Voice) "may the odds be ever in your favor". I am anxious to hear your personal reults!
Now, on to an experiment I read about and was eager to try with the minions. I really wish I could give kudos to the person I read this from. I'm assuming it was from Pinterest and from what I'm learning from Facebook responses this is nothing new. Well it's new to the crazy Cooke household. All we did was try to make popcorn from kernels in a lunch bag. Oh, in the microwave of coarse. Please do not try on the stove. That's just a recipe for disaster and a visit from the fire department. Here's how it went......
It was a success! I also think this is healthier than the oil on the stove top method. You have nothing in the bag except the kernels. And by the way it doesn't matter if you use white or yellow corn. Also, they are both gluten free. I brag about the healthiness of this method but than you can add whatever topping you wish which may take away from the healthiness a bit. Some Cooke family favorites are butter, Parmesan, Stevia,
salt and my daughters favorite the Nacho flavored sprinkles made to top your popcorn off.
We attempted a DIY bird feeder. I discovered this project from totallygreencrafts.com. I made the bird feeder with my 3 year old daughter Phoenix. She had a blast cutting the paper and gluing to the carton. Now our version was a milk carton, construction paper, rubber cement and twine. I just lathered the carton up with rubber cement and Phoenix stuck all her paper pieces where ever her little heart desired. Now the original instructions on totallygreencrafts.com recommend using some kind of lacquer to spray over the paper to protect it from the elements. Not having lacquer in the house I again used the rubber cement to cover the paper once it was applied to the carton. I cut the hole for the birdies to get into the food and made the holes on top for the twine to hang from the tree. Phoenix poured the birdseed in and TADA it was ready to hang. We didn't want to hang it too high so we can easily refill it. Also we're hoping the squirrels don't get greedy and take away from the beautiful birds we get to watch from inside the house.
Here's to a good Sunday with your family and friends! Today we will be making my version of rice crispy treats. I can't wait to share them with you tomorrow.